Green Toxicology - Application of Predictive Toxicology

October 23th 2014, 8.30am - 5pm

Empa, Dübendorf, Switzerland

Green toxicology is the application of predictive toxicology to the production of chemicals with the specific intent of improving their design for hazard reduction.
The twelve principles of green chemistry outline a strategy to reduce hazard through molecular and
process design. Reducing toxicity is at the core of green chemistry and sustainability, therefore the input of toxicologists early in the chemical enterprise is essential to inform the choices of molecular designers in selecting less hazardous design strategies.
Information derived from mechanistic and computational toxicology combined forms the nexus between toxicology and green chemistry. Each group is trained to examine, understand and describe aspects of the structure hazard relationship from a narrow perspective. This conference will provide a forum for collaboration among academia and industry working in complementary fields to discover common ground in the quest for safer chemicals.


8.30 Registration, Coffee

9.00 Welcome and Introduction
Harald F. Krug, Empa

9.25 Why Good Products Fail: When Chemistry and Toxicology Collide
Pharma Industry (enquired)

9.50 Discussion

10.00 A Framework to Design Safer Chemicals Nicholas D. Anastas, US Environmental Protection
Agency R-1 (confirmed)

10.30 Discussion

10.40 Coffee Break

11.00 How 21st Century Toxicology can promote 'Green' Chemistry
Julien Burton, JRC (invited)

11.25 Discussion

11.35 Integrating Legal Liabilities in Nanomanufacturing Risk Management
Igor Linkov, Environmental Laboratory, US Army, Vicksburg, MS (confirmed)

12.00 Discussion

12.10 Lunch

1.15 From Green Chemistry to Green Toxicology

1.40 Discussion

1.50 From Safer Chemical Design to reduced Environmental Hazard
James Clark, University of York, UK (confirmed)

2.15 Discussion

2.25 Coffee Break

2.45 Twenty First Century Toxicology and Safer Chemical Design
Thomas Hartung, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA (confirmed)

3.10 Discussion

3.20 Insights from Industry: Can pharmaceutical products be produced «Green»
Pharma Industry (enquired)

3.45 Discussion

4.00 Summary of Day and Aperó