Kailing Huang

As an ecologist, I am interested in the impact of plant-soil microbe interactions on plant community assembly, especially in a changing environment. Using field and greenhouse experiments, I aim to find how changed precipitation or elevated temperature disturbs the existing plant-soil interactions and if these disturbed interactions drive shifts in plant community composition.


Huang KL, De Long JR, Yan XB, Wang XY, Wang CL, Zhang YW, Zhang YY, Wang P, Du GZ, van Kleunen M & Guo H (2024) Why are graminoid species more dominant? Trait-mediated plant-soil feedbacks shape community composition. Ecology 105:e4295 (DOI: 10.1002/ecy.4295)

Wang XY, Yan XB, Huang KL, Luo X, Zhang YY, Zhou LY, Yang FY, Xu XH, Zhou XH, Niu KC & Guo H. (2022) Nitrogen enrichment and warming shift community functional composition via distinct mechanisms: The role of intraspecific trait variability and species turnover. Functional Ecology 36:1230-1242. (DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.14012 )

Huang KL, Kardol P, Yan XB, Luo X & Guo H (2021) Plant-soil biota interactions explain shifts in plant-community composition under global change. Functional Ecology  35:2778-2788 ( DOI:10.1111/1365-2435.13940 )

Yan XB, Diez J, Huang KL, Li SP, Luo X, Xu XY, Su FL, Jiang L, Guo H & Hu SJ (2020) Beyond resource limitation: an expanded test of the niche dimension hypothesis for multiple types of niche axes. Oecologia 193:689-699 ( DOI:10.1007/s00442-020-04713-w )

Wang P, Guo J, Xu XY, Yan XB, Zhang KC, Qiu YP, Zhao QZ, Huang KL, Luo X, Yang F, Guo H & Hu SJ (2020) Soil acidification alters root morphology, increases root biomass but reduces root decomposition in an alpine grassland. Environmental Pollution 265:115016 ( DOI:10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115016 )

Wang P, Huang KL, & Hu SJ (2019) Distinct fine-root responses to precipitation changes in herbaceous and woody plants: a meta-analysis. New Phytologist 225:1491-1499 ( DOI:10.1111/nph.16266 )

Guo H, Mazer SJ, Xu XY, Luo X, Huang KL & Xu XY (2017) Biological Invasions in Nature Reserves in China. Biological Invasions and Its Management in China pp. 125–147. (DOI: 10.1007/978-94-024-0948-2_6 )


( Update: 27.10.2022 )