Vortrag | Biologie

Minisymposium: „Focus on Redox Regulation“

Dienstag, 25. September 2018
8:30 bis 18 Uhr

M 630

Veranstaltet von
University of Konstanz, Faculty of Biology

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:

Organizers: Volker Ulrich, Marcel Leist, Alexander Bürkle


8.30 - 9.00 Registration, Room M630

9.00 - 9.15 Welcome (Volker Ullrich)

9.15 Ming-Hui Zou (Atlanta, USA)
Redox regulation of endothelial cell phenotypes: Role of AMP-activated
protein kinase

10.00 Bernhard Brüne (Frankfurt)
Chronic hypoxia and mitochondrial responses

Coffee break

11.15 Markus Bachschmid (Boston)
Glutaredoxin-1 deficiency causes fatty liver and dyslipidemia by inhibiting

12.00 Reiko Matsui (Boston)
Glutathione adducts induced by ischemia and deletion of glutaredoxin-1
stabilize HIF-1alpha and improve limb revascularisation


14.00 Andreas Daiber (Mainz)
Measuring superoxide, NO and peroxynitrite in vascular tissues:
Overview on recent advances and own experience

14.45 Volker Ullrich (Triboltingen) and Juliana Heidler (Frankfurt)
Missing links in the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway

Coffee break

16.00 Stefan Schildknecht (Konstanz)
Redox dependent changes in alpha-synuclein

16.45 Round Table Discussion:
„Can redox-based drugs be useful ?”